
PostHeaderIcon Food for When You’re Not in Shape

Everybody has their share of sickness, even those in perfect shape. Illness can be contracted through human contact, our surrounding environment or the food we eat out. When you get sick, our body chemicals work in abnormal situation, trying to cope and fight the foreign existence invading it. In this state, your body needs the right combination of nutrients to help fight off the sickness. Here are some menu you should include when you’re not in shape:

1. Chicken Soup. Chicken soup has been used for flu remedy for ages and in different civilizations throughout history. It reduces mucus and helps coughing it out. Chicken soup is best served with vegetables in it.

2. Green Tea. Green Tea is known to fight cancer and heart disease. It lowers your cholesterol level, burns fat, prevents diabetes and stroke and staves off dementia. It also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial effects and is good for your body immunity.

3. Chilli. Spicy chillis are the best source of vitamin C, one of the important elements for your body immunity. Orange-reddish fruits and vegetables such as oranges, red guava, bell peppers, strawberries and papayas also contain this natural healthy nutrient.

4. Probiotics drinks. Probiotics beverages and yogurt can reduce the symptoms of cold and flu, as it contains good bacterias obtained from fermentation process that help fight off the bad bacterias in our body. It is proven to reduce fever, cough and runny nose, especially on children. Other fermented food such as tofu, cheese and sauerkraut.

5. Sea Fish. Sea fish contains antimicrobial substances which helps fight off even swine flu. The best way to retain the healthy nutrients in fish is to steam it. You might want to try chinook and pink salmon, light tuna and sardines.

So next time you catch a flu, pay attention to what your meal can do to your body :D

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