
PostHeaderIcon Top 5 Life-Saving Veggies

5. Carrots
Contents: beta carotene, dietary fibre, antioxidants and minerals
What’s so great about it: It’s great for your eyes, fights off free radicals and of course – giggles – super low calories
Fun Facts: During World War II, Carrot is used as a cover-up story for the British RAF fighter pilots’ ability to shoot well at night, while in fact they used a cutting-edge radar technology at that time!
Best way to serve it: chicken soup with carrot mmm 

4. Broccoli
: Broccoli is high in vit C, K and A as well as dietary fiber and selenium
What’s so great about it: anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, this small veggie is ur true immune system’s superhero!
Fun Facts: China produces the most broccolies in the world: up to 8 million tonnes a year!
Best way to serve it: My bf’s fav broccoli menu: light-boiled broccoli (don’t boil it more than 10 minutes!) with melted cheese on top (add with salt and pepper sprinkle)

3. Onions
: high carb, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Folate, Calcium, Phosporus, Potassium
What’s so great about it: believed to have anti-inflammatory, anticholesterol, anticancer and antioxidant properties. In many parts of the world, onions are also used to treat open wound and skin diseases.
Fun Facts: Onions are the one of the main diet of Ancient Egyptian workers who built the pyramids!
Best way to serve it: sautee the onion pieces with garlic, diced beef, and slices of potato, add broth and a bit of chilli pepper, yum yum ;d

2. Collard Greens
Contents: calcium, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene, plus high selenium!
What’s so great about it: Widely considered to be healthy foods, collards are good sources of vitamin C and soluble fiber and contain multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties.
Fun Facts: Roughly a quarter pound (approx. 100 g) of cooked collards contains only 46 calories!
Best way to serve it: saute it with olive oil, salt, and garlic. Mmm-mmm! :D

1. Sweet Potatoes
: sweet potatoes are rich in complex carb, fiber, beta carotene (nutrient equivalent to vit A, vit C and vit B6, iron and calcium, making it the highest ranking veggie on earth :D
What’s so great about it: it helps stabilize blood pressure and is good for ur digestive system!
Fun Facts: Potatoes are still in the same family as the Morning Glory flower :D
Best way to serve it: my fav way of serving it is to boil it in salted water until it’s really mushy, add melted cheese with garlic and chopped celery on top!

So guys, be sure to grab these when u hit the supermarket! :D

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